Digital Economics Paris - Seminars
A joint initiative of Institut Mines Télécom - Business School, Telecom Paris, and the University of Paris-Saclay. This list includes seminars in cooperation with the jDES network.
Calendar - Fall 2021
Two seminar series are organized during Fall 2021. The joint Digital Economics Seminar (jDES) is online and organized in cooperation with the jDES network.
Sep/10, 15.00 [jDES]: Garrett Johnson (Questrom School of Business): Regulating Privacy Online: An Economic Evaluation of the GDPR (joint with S. Goldberg and S. Shriver)
Oct/08, 15.00 [jDES]: Yevgeniya Shevstova (JRC): Whistling in the dark? Equity market reactions to Digital Service Tax proposals (joint with E. Gomez-Herrera and C. Reggiani)
Nov/12, 15.00 [jDES]: Alessandro De Chiara (Universitat de Barcelona): Efficient copyright filters for online hosting platforms (joint with E. Manna, A. Rubí-Puig, and A. Segura-Moreiras )
Dec/10, 15.00 [jDES]: Luis Aguiar (University of Zürich): Experts, Crowds, and Gender Differences in Online Movie Reviews
Jan/28, 15.00 [jDES]: Bruno Carballa Smichowski (JRC): When ‘the’ market loses its relevance: an empirical analysis of demand-side linkages in platform ecosystems (joint with N. Duch-Brown, A. Gomez-Losada, and B. Martens)
Feb/11, 15.00 [jDES]: Ambre Nicolle (ENSAI - CREST): The impact of trade wars on uninvolved countries: Evidence from the smartphone market
Feb/25, 15.00 [jDES]: Michael Luca (Harvard Business School): Designing inclusive platforms (joint with A. Aneja and O.Reshef)
Mar/18, 15.00 [jDES]: Robert Somogyi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): News Media Bargaining Codes (joint with L. Sandrini)
Apr/22, 15.00 [jDES]: Alexandre de Cornière (TSE): Data-driven mergers (joint with G. Taylor)
May/27, 15.00 [jDES]: Anna Kerkhof (ifo Institute for Economic Research): Debunking fake news on social media: short- and longer-term effects of fact checking and media literacy interventions (joint with F. Mindl, L.M. Müller, and J. Münster)
After one year of online meetings, we are planning to go back with an in-person seminar series, on Thursday at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Palaiseau, 31 boulevard Thomas Gobert).
Sep/23, 14:00: Antoine Dubus (ETH Zürich): Data-Driven Mergers and Acquisitions with Information Synergies
Nov/25, 14:00: Nikhil Vellodi (PSE): Insider Imitation (joint with Erik Madsen)
Dec/2, 14:00: Maria Guadalupe (INSEAD): Clarity, Communication and Trust in Teams: Evidence from an Agile Organization (ONLINE)
Dec/16, 14:00: Philippe Gagnepain (PSE): Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Spillovers and Incentive Contracts (joint with Luis Aguiar)
Feb/10, 14:00: Thomas Lambert (Rotterdam School of Management): Spillovers in Crowdfunding (joint with P. Belleflamme and A. Schwienbacher)
Feb/24, 14:00: Roland Rathelot (ENSAE - CREST): How do women and men search for jobs? (joint with L. Hensvik and T. Le Barbanchon)
May/19, 14:00: Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon University): Behavioral advertising and consumer welfare: An empirical investigation (joint with E. Mustri and I. Adjerid) [CANCELLED]
Jun/22, 14.00: Idris Adjerid (Virginia Tech): Privacy Regulation and Barriers to Public Health (joint with J. Buckman, and C. E. Tucker)
Paris Seminars take place on Thursday, 14:00-16:00 (CET).
The jDES usually takes place on Friday from 15:00 to 16:00 (CET).
Reminders: Events are distributed by our Paris mailing list (subscribe here) and by the jDES mailing list (subscribe here). Follow us also on Twitter.
Online calendar: You can import the schedule as Google Calendar here and the ICS File here.
Telecom Paris: Ulrich Laitenberger, Michelangelo Rossi
Institut Mines Telecom, Business School: Grazia Cecere, Nicolas Soulié, Vincent Lefrere
Université Paris-Saclay: Serge Pajak